Re: Map question

"Mike Schilling" <>
Tue, 1 Jun 2010 18:55:09 -0700
"Robert Klemme" <> wrote in message

On 31.05.2010 21:58, Mike Schilling wrote:

Tom Anderson wrote:

On Mon, 31 May 2010, Robert Klemme wrote:

On 31.05.2010 18:57, Tom Anderson wrote:

On Mon, 31 May 2010, Lew wrote:

Tom Anderson wrote:

if ((obj == null) || !(obj instanceof SearchResultHotels)) return

The '(obj == null)' clause is superfluous.

Good point.

My brain, for some reason, has a hard time remembering that:

SearchResultHotels x = (SearchResultHotels)null;

is okay but:

null instanceof SearchResultHotels

is false.

You just need to remember that null does not have a type. At least
that's what helped me to get this straight. :-)

Yes, when i think about it, it's all perfectly clear. But i get it
wrong when i'm not thinking about it.

Me too. Especially since the usage

     if (x instanceof Type)
             Type t = (Type)x;

is so common. The instanceof check (among other things) avoids a cast
failure, but the cast would work perfectly well if x were null.

But then you'd get a NPE as soon as you try to invoke any method on the
reference - so the idiom totally makes sense and the instanceof check
avoids a cast failure *and* a NPE.

Assuming you're going to invoke a method on it, rather than pass it as a
parameter to something that does a null check (or accepts nulls). But the
current behavior is still the most useful one 80-90% of the time, I'd say.

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