Re: Possible to treat time in milliseconds as a different time zone?

Eric Sosman <esosman@comcast-dot-net.invalid>
Tue, 21 May 2013 11:31:18 -0400
On 5/21/2013 10:58 AM, wrote:


I'm using Java 6. I'm trying to see if there's a simple way to convert a long varaible (the number of milliseconds since 1970) to a timezone other than GMT. I have another time zone string, MY_TIMEZONE, which could be a timezone string ("GMT-5"), but I'm figuring out this doesn't work ...

     long timeInMs = 1368921600000;
     final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
     final java.util.Date dateObj = cal.getTime();

     What do you mean by "doesn't work?" (Besides "doesn't compile,"
that is.) What were you hoping to get, and what did you see, and
in what way did it disappoint you?

Can I parse the time zone string to get the number of hours difference and then just add that? Grateful for any elegant solutions. Thanks, - Dave

     The getTimeZone() method has already parsed the string (or
tried to), and you can extract its results from the TimeZone object.

Eric Sosman

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