Re: which class implement connection interface in java and how
deepak wrote:
which class implement connection interface in java and how
Is that a question? Note that I ended my question
with '?' to mark it as a question.
which class implement connection interface
No such interface in the J2SE. Did you perhaps
mean java.util.Collection? If so, please be specific,
and address classes using the correct case.
Which brings me to.
Java has a wonderful thing known as the JavaDocs,
it details the methods, attributes, constructors, and
direct know subclasses for classes or ..implementing
classes for interfaces. E.G.
Near the top is the bit..
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCollection, AbstractList, AbstractQueue....
So, hopefully you can now answer that question
for yourself, and more quickly than asking on a
usenet newsgroup.
The JavaDocs are invaluable for writing Java,
you should either bookmark the on-line version,
or download one for local browsing. java and how
By providing implementations of the methods
specified in the interface.
And as an aside, an excellent group for beginners
in Java is
Andrew T.