Re: Please help for a LinkBinaryTreeInJava
Basanta wrote:
I am new in this group,I don't know how far it would help me.
I tried to make a linked based binary tree following the book "data
structures and algorithms in java" By goodRich and tamassia.I did all
but I wanted to implement a function to determine whether a particular
node exists or not.All I want to implement a function boolean
exists(node n).Can anyone help??My program is as follows:-
interface Node {
Object getData();
int getID();
A generic approach (as a matter of style I include the redundant 'public' in
interface declarations):
interface Node <T>
T getData();
Integer getId(); // could parameterize ID type
class LinkBinTree {
BinNode root;
int size;
LinkBinTree(Object O) {
root = new BinNode(0);
Avoid exorbitant indentation. Up to four spaces per level will suffice.
class BinNode <T> implements Node <T>
T data;
Integer id;
BinNode left;
BinNode right;
public BinNode( Integer iden )
id = iden;
left = null;
right = null;
data = null;
You don't need to set things to null again.
BinNode(Object O) {
Why do you have this constructor?
Parameters should have names that start with a lower-case letter: 'o', not 'O'.
id = 0;
left = null;
right = null;
data = null;
You don't need to set things to null or zero again.
public T getData() {return data;}
public int getID() { return id;}
void addLeft( T obj ) {
BinNode b = new BinNode(obj);
left = b;
You don't need 'b':
left = new BinNode( obj );
void addRight( T obj ) {
BinNode r = new BinNode(obj);
right = r;
BinNode <T> addLeft(Node <T> n, T o ) // lower-case 'o'!
throws TreeEmptyException
// braces please:
throw new TreeEmptyException("Tree doesn't
//"Tree doesn't exist"
return n.addLeft( o );
BinNode <T> addRight( Node <T> n, T o ) throws TreeEmptyException{
if(!exists(n)) throw new TreeEmptyException("Tree doesn't
return n.addRight(O);
void preOrder(Node n) {
LinkQueueApp<Integer> q =new LinkQueueApp<Integer>();
int p=n.getID();
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
p =q.dequeue();
System.out.println("The pre-order is : "
for(int i=p;(i==p+1) || (i==p+2)&&i<=size;i++)
void boolean exists( Node <T> n ) {
if(Node == root) return;
You don't show a variable 'root'.
else {
Are you searching for a certain Node, or a Node with a certain value?
public static void boolean exists( BinNode <T> root, T value )
if ( root == null )
{ return false; }
return (root.value == null? value == null : root.value.equals( value ))
|| exists( root.left, value ) || exists( root.right, value );