Re: Interface design problem
Royan wrote:
OK, there is an application that is working with files. The interface
that is implemented for of File-System operations looks something like
public interface IFileSystem {
public boolean loadFile(final File file) throws IOException;
public char[] readFile() throws IOException;
public int getFileSize();
// etc
Now I want my application to support remote file read operations and
this requires me to introduce the following change in methods
public interface INetwork {
public boolean loadFile(final File file) throws IOException,
public char[] readFile() throws IOException, RemoteException;
public int getFileSize() throws RemoteException;
// etc
As you can easily notice everything in the signature except the newly
introduced RemoteException remains the same.
My problem is that I would like to extend INetwork from IFileSystem
and I don't know what is the best way to do this. Some methods like
INetwork#getFileSize() can not be overridden because they introduce
new exception and this is actually the main problem here.
I wonder if you had some ideas on what is the best way to do that?
Change IFileSystem to also throw RemoteException. You do not need
to throw all the exceptions in the interface, but you can not throw
additional exceptions.
Or maybe more clean: let them throw an FoobarException where you in the
implementation catch the implementation specific exceptions and rethrow
your own.
PS: IFoobar for interfaces is not commonly used in Java.
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