Re: Keyboard state (instead of keyboard events)

Knute Johnson <>
Wed, 31 Dec 2008 11:06:15 -0800
Philipp Gressly wrote:

Knute Johnson wrote:

Philipp Gressly wrote:

Knute Johnson wrote:

John B. Matthews wrote:

In article <ddbc8$4959f55a$50db01d9$>,
 Philipp Gressly <> wrote:

I am programming a "moon-lander" and want to check every 100 ms if a
certain key is pressed. The keyboard events (key-pressed,
key-released and key-typed) are not helpful, because the operating
System (linux im my case) generates key-releases and key-presses at
its own (depending on the "key repeat speed").

Is there a command to satisfy the following interface easily?

public interface KeyState {
  boolean isKeyDown(char keyCode);

I don't see a way to ignore spurious keyReleased() events except to
instruct the user to disable key repeat using the host's control
panel. It may be possible to do so programmatically using the Java
Desktop System's assistive technology:


It sounds like you already understand the obvious implementation:
Enumerate the keys of interest and map the state of each. In an
implementation of the KeyListener interface (or an extension of the
KeyAdapter class), handle keyPressed() keyReleased() events
accordingly: Mark a key as down on keyPressed(); mark a key as up on
keyReleased(). Return the corresponding state in isKeyDown().

You can see a coded example of what John describes in my Asteroids game.

There is a link to the source code at the bottom.

Hi all.

The asteroids-Code, is nearly my workaround. But still flickers (see
Probably, I should play around with the refresh rates...

Thank you all


To get smooth animation you need to have around 30 frames per second or
faster. Yours appears to be around 10.


I have found another method to ignore "key repeats";
unfortunately it does not work properly using gnome:

There are no repeats of keyPressed() and keyReleased(). They are called
only when the key is moved. keyTyped() on the other hand repeats as
long as the key is held down.

still searching ...


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2008/

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