Re: Using abstract class that implements interface

Tom Anderson <>
Mon, 20 Apr 2009 20:20:57 +0100
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009, Mike Schilling wrote:

Tom Anderson wrote:

(Am i right in thinking that if i expose an abstract class Foo to the
world, i can't subseqeuently make Foo an interface and keep binary
compatibility? Since all those invokevirtual bytcodes would need to
become invokespecial, i assume not.)

Simpler than that: a class C which extends Foo will fail to load if Foo
is an interface.

But what about classes which use Foo without extending it?

Say i start with this:

public abstract class Foo {
  public abstract void method();

class FooImpl extends Foo {
  public void method() {
  System.out.println("running FooImpl.method");

public class FooClient {
  public static void main(String... args) {
  Foo foo = new FooImpl();

And then i change Foo and FooImpl to look like this:

public interface Foo {
  public void method();

abstract class FooBase implements Foo {
  public abstract void method();

class FooImpl extends FooBase {
  public void method() {
  System.out.println("running FooImpl.method");

*Without* recompiling FooClient?

The answer is that when i run FooClient, i get:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError
         at FooClient.main(

So FooClient loads okay, but the invocation of a method on a Foo fails,
because Foo was originally a class and is now an interface.


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well big up cos this is the incredible genral -- fabien, sniffunsnuffun

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