Re: choosing EclipseLink over TopLink/TopLink Essentials

Lew <>
Sun, 10 May 2009 15:28:50 -0400
Giovanni Azua wrote:

Maybe my bad, researching latest TopLink's source code I could not find the
TopLink API accepting JPQL statements ...

Did you find it in the EclipseLink source?

Giovanni Azua wrote:

Ergo, when you review the source code for EclipseLink, you review that
portion of TopLink that "is responsible for delivering the persistence
framework." Perhaps those features are not in the other sections of
TopLink because those are not the sections so responsible?

Then it is not a subset ;) but ok I agree with you. It is confusing


It is a subset. It is part of the larger project, contained within it and
delivered with it.
If the subset of TopLink that is EclipseLink contained code that was in other
subsets, then it would be a redundant subset.

Consider a set of features: { JPA, JDBC, HELPER, PUBLICAPI }.

Suppose that the names represent the contents, so that the {JPA} set contains
all the JPA implementation including , the {JDBC} set contains all the JDBC
implemenation, the {HELPER} set contains helper class implementations, and
{PUBLICAPI} contains the interfaces for the public API. {JPA} is a (proper)
subset of { JPA, JDBC, HELPER, PUBLICAPI }. None of the other subsets contain
JPA implementation. That does not alter a jot that {JPA} is a subset of {

What is your definition of "subset"?

specially if you look at the source code mismatches e.g. in the TopLink
source code downloaded from the link below you can't find any
implementations of EntityManager nor JpaEntityManager:

Is that the subset of TopLink that constitutes EclipseLink?

The conclusion I can make is that to take advantage of the promised
super-duper caching etc they expect you to use both deliveries EclipseLink
and the complementary TopLink together somehow ... or?

The Oracle web site clearly states that TopLink includes EclipseLink, the
latter being the part that implements JPA.


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