Re: Binary Tree in java(Generic)

"Jeff Higgins" <>
Wed, 20 Feb 2008 21:52:12 -0500
Jeff Higgins wrote:

HelpMe wrote:

Please help me.I want to make a binary tree in java.I started but
couldnot accomplish.Can anyone help me to complete .Reply soon
please.My Program is:-

not a program, as it's posted.

Start here:

public class BinaryTree {

 Object root;
 BinaryTree right;
 BinaryTree left;


Forget about interfaces, polymorphism, and generics
until you can produce a plain old data structure, you
can add the fancy stuff later.

Here's a link that was helpful to me.


public class Node
implements Cloneable, Serializable, Comparable {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  private final Comparable data;

  public Node(Comparable data) { = data; }

  public int height() {
    // TODO
    return -1; }

  public int depth() {
    // TODO
    return -1; }

  public Object getData() {
    return data; }

  public int compareTo(Object that) {
    if(that instanceof Node) {
    } throw new ClassCastException(); }

  protected Object clone()
  throws CloneNotSupportedException {
    return super.clone(); }

  public String toString() {
    return data.toString(); }

import java.util.Iterator;

public class BinaryTree
implements Cloneable, Serializable {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  private Node root;
  private BinaryTree right;
  private BinaryTree left;

  public BinaryTree(){};

  public BinaryTree (Node root) {
    this.root = root; }

  public Node getRoot() {
    return root; }

  public int height() {
    // TODO
    return -1; }

  private class PreOrderIterator
  implements Iterator<Node> {

    public boolean hasNext() {
      // TODO
      return false; }

    public Node next() {
      // TODO
      return null; }

    public void remove() {
      // TODO

public class TestTree {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Node root = new Node("root");
    BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree(root);
    System.out.println(tree.getRoot()); }



interface Node {
         T getData();
         int getId();

interface BinTree<T> {
         Node getLeft (Node n);
         Node getRight (Node n);
         Node[] leaves();
         Node parent(Node n);
         int numOfChildren(Node n);

class ArrayBinTree<T> implements BinTree<T> {
         class ArrayBinTreeNode<T> implements Node {
               T data;
               int id;
               T getData {return data;}
               int getId {return id;}


       ArrayBinTreeNode () { //default constructor
              id = 0;
              data = null;
ArrayBinTree (int s){ //copy constructor
              id = s;
              data = null;

Node[] tree;
int numOfNodes;
BinTree(int size) {
tree = new Node[size];
numOfNodes = 0;

Node getLeft(Node n) {
return tree [2*n.getId()+1];

Node getRight(Node n) {
return tree [2*n.getId()+2];

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