Re: Using Java functions from C++ through JNI
Chris Uppal wrote: wrote:
Sorry that is actually a method that i abstracted out of the main
method to see if it would work that way.
Maybe you should post the real code then.
-- chris
Im pretty sure the rest of the code is irrelevant but here it is
public ByteBuffer loadImage(String imagePath)
System.out.println("Loading texture from image: " + imagePath);
image = loadImageFromFile(imagePath);
if( image != null )
height = image.getHeight(null);
width = image.getWidth(null);
pixels = getImagePixels();
pixelBuffer = convertPixels();
System.out.println("Error Loading Image.");
System.out.println( getSizeX() );
System.out.println( getSizeY() );
return getPixelBuffer();
private Image loadImageFromFile( String imagePath )
byte[] imageBytes = getBytesFromFile( imagePath );
Image tempImage = null;
int numTries = 20;
if( imageBytes != null )
jToolkit myToolkit = new jToolkit();
tempImage = myToolkit.getImage( imagePath, imageBytes );
while ( tempImage.getWidth(null) < 0 && numTries-- > 0 )
try { Thread.sleep(100); }
catch( InterruptedException x ) { System.out.println(x); }
while ( tempImage.getHeight(null) < 0 && numTries-- > 0 )
try { Thread.sleep(100); }
catch( InterruptedException x ) { System.out.println(x); }
return tempImage;
//abstracted java method
public Image getImage( String filename, byte[] imageBytes )
Image myToolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage( imageBytes,
0, imageBytes.length );
return myToolkit;
//c++ code
jobject pixelBufferObject = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod( jLoadImage,
imageLoadMethodID, jstr );
int height = jniEnv->CallIntMethod( jLoadImage, getSizeYMethodID, NULL
int width = jniEnv->CallIntMethod( jLoadImage, getSizeXMethodID, NULL
It is entering the java function fine and i have called other methods
to print to the screen just to verify this, but as soon as it hits the
getDefaultToolkit() it stops.