JNI: Calling Java From C (with Long and integer as parameters)
after i've finally solved my last jni problems with stirngs, i've ran
into another one. But now my problem should be a little bit easier ;)
What i want to do ist to call a Java Function From C. The Java
Function expects an int value and a long value as parameters. My
Problem is how to set the long and the int value. I never get the
right values in java. Must i convert the long and int into jlongs /
Thanks for every tip/help/hint in advance.
My code is:
struct RxParams
XLhandle eventHandle;
long portHandle;
const char *callBackName;
jobject caller;
JNIEnv *env;
jstring callBackOrg;
}typedef RXPARAMS;
struct javaObject
jobject ref; //reference to the java object
jclass jcls; //class id of the java obj
}typedef JAVAOBJECT;
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_VectorXLDriverLib_setNotifier(JNIEnv
*env, jclass jcls, jobject portHandle, jint queueLevel , jobject
caller, jstring callBackName)
//reserve and set the structure which is passed to the listener
RXPARAMS prxParams;
prxParams.eventHandle = eventHandle;
prxParams.portHandle = ph;
prxParams.caller = caller;
prxParams.env = env;
prxParams.callBackName = (*env)-
GetStringUTFChars(env,callBackName, 0);
prxParams.callBackOrg = callBackName;
void listenCanTest(RXPARAMS par)
writeLog("In RxThread\n");
unsigned int msgsrx = RECEIVE_EVENT_SIZE;
jsize count;
jmethodID jmid;
jclass icls;
jboolean continueListening = 1;
char string[50];
JAVAOBJECT eventObj; //object used for callBack to java
RXPARAMS prxParams = par;
JNIEnv *env = par.env;
writeLog("Before get Structure XLCANEvent\n");
// Klasse des aufrufenden Java Objektes ermitteln:
icls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, prxParams.caller);
writeLog("before getMID: icls: %02x\n", icls);
jmid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, icls,
writeLog("after getMID\n");
if (jmid == 0){
writeLog("jmid == NULL\n");
int i = 10;
int l = 15;
jint test = i;
jlong testlong = l;
continueListening = (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, prxParams.caller,
jmid, eventObj.ref, &test, &testlong);
#ifdef DEBUG
writeLog("Listener has been terminated");
public class VectorCanLib implements Runnable{
//Returns the Id of the gen
public synchronized long
closeNotify = false;
if(notifyThread == null){
notifyThread = new Thread(this);
return 0;
public void run() {
VectorXLDriverLib.setNotifier(portHandle, queueLevel,
System.out.println("Internal notifier closed");
private synchronized boolean internalTestCallBack(int i, long l)
System.out.println("I: " + i + "L: " + l);
return true;
public abstract class VectorXLDriverLib{
public static native long setNotifier(XLPortHandle portHandle,
queueLevel, Object caller, String callBackName);
static {
System.load(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\" +
catch(Exception e) {