Re: Simple JSP fails!!! wrote:
Manish - Sorry I forgot to mention that, yes, I checked the
freespace. I am at 34% used, so I don't think that is the problem.
I did try a test JSP. A simple "Hello World" test. It too failed
with the same error.
I have went ahead and set the CATALINA_HOME using the "export"
command, and echo $CATALINA_HOME now returns : /opt/jakarta/jakarta-
It did not fix the problem, however I have not restarted Tomcat out of
fear of breaking all my already compiled JSPs. Is a restart of Tomcat
necessary after setting cat_home [sic] ???
You only need one question mark to indicate a question.
Setting CATALINA_HOME has nothing to do with fixing your problem. Knowing
where Tomcat is installed has everything to do with locating the log files.
My Tomcat places its log files in a subdirectory of its own installation
directory, not in /var/log/anywhere. Yours might also.
By convention one refers to the installation location as $CATALINA_HOME, on
the assumption that someone doing maintenance on Tomcat (such as looking to
the log files) would know where their installation is and that the speaker
doesn't. You're supposed to translate that envar reference to the appropriate
installation location at your server. There was no advice to go setting that
If you don't even know where Tomcat is, you'll have serious difficulties
trying to fix your problem.
Again, Tomcat writes log files to its own logs/ subdirectory, not necessarily
to /var/log/.