Re: unable to compile class for JSP..

Lew <>
Fri, 26 Dec 2008 19:36:07 -0500
maya <> wrote:

I haven't changed A THING in this respect, have also not changed Tomcat
installation, config, etc... (I also just removed "work" dir in tomcat)

John B. Matthews wrote:

"The generated java code and the class file for this Servlet are stored
in a specified location that defaults to the TOMCAT_HOME/work directory."


maya <> wrote:

I have not changed ANYTHING that could have caused this error since last
time I loaded this same JSP a few days ago...

Early in my programming career I was having the deuce of a time tracking down
a bug in something that had been working. My colleague asked me what had
changed. I swore I hadn't changed "A THING". My colleague kept patiently
repeating the question, "What is different? What changed?" Something had to
have changed, they explained, since I was getting different results. "Not a
thing," I kept swearing, until finally I remembered, "except ...". Naturally
that "except" was exactly what had caused the bug.


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