Re: Jave SE vs. J2EE

Lew <>
Mon, 13 Apr 2009 00:45:32 -0400
Chris P. Bacon wrote:

Just out of curiousity, how advanced does one
need to be before launching into J2EE [sic] development?

Arved Sandstrom wrote:

You should be comfortable with the material in the Java Tutorials.

Andrew Thompson wrote:

I think that is too much to expect before attempting
J2EE [sic]. My view* is somewhat closer to Arne's.

But don't stint on getting familiar with the material in the tutorials. Too
many people get a small familiarity with part of the information and think
it's enough. It isn't. Keep studying core Java even as you encompass
servlets and the rest.

As to study sequence, get to know the Java language and at least the
collections APIs. Know how to get to the API Javadocs (both core and Java EE)
in a heartbeat. Do so often. With Java EE, start with servlets, and move
quickly into JSPs and the Expression Language (EL). Wait until you're
somewhat facile in these areas before moving into EJBs (Enterprise Java
Beans), which thankfully have gotten much simpler with Java EE 5. When you
feel comfortable with Java generally, delve into JDBC (Java DataBase
Connectivity), then when you're confident and brave, the Java Persistence API
(JPA). Java Server Faces (JSF) is useful when you're ready for advanced
study. It actually helps to know Swing from core Java when you're learning JSF.


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