Re: unable to compile login jsp code
On 09/18/2010 04:39 AM, vishal17 wrote:
I have a strange problem,first i [sic] wrote the html code for input values
then i [sic] wrote d jsp code as given below for login :
this logincon.jsp is in webapps/test folder
<%@ pageimport="java.sql.*,vishal.dbConn4,java.util.*" %>
Type names should begin with an upper-case letter: 'DbConn4'.
DO NOT indent Usenet posts with TAB characters! Use a maximum of four space
characters per indent level.
Use of scriptlet in a JSP is an antipattern. I haven't done it in a while, so
I don't know why the pageimport doesn't seem to have worked.
ResultSet rs ;
String sConn;
dbConn4 db;
public void jspInit() {
dbConn4 db = new dbConn4();
This declaration hides the member declaration, so the member 'db' will remain
Why did you declare 'rs' as a member variable? It should be local.
sConn = db.DBConnect();
rs = null;
String sID = request.getParameter("ID");
String uname =request.getParameter("uname");
String pwd =request.getParameter("password");
//String user=null;
int t=0;
rs = db.getData();
I would expect a NullPointerException here.
String x=rs.getString(1);
String y=rs.getString(2);
<jsp:forward page="x.jsp"/>
else{ t=1;
<%if(t==1) { %>
<jsp:forward page="login1.jsp"/>
i [sic] wrote java program dbConn4 as below and put this class file
in the test/web-inf/classes/vishal
That should be "test/WEB-INF/classes/..."
And the file in the "vishal" directory is "dbConn4.class", right?
What was the exact compilation command?
(As mentioned, you should spell type names with an initial upper-case letter.)
package vishal;
import java.sql.*;
public class dbConn4
An error occurred at line: 15 in the jsp file: /tbill/login_conn.jsp
dbConn4 cannot be resolved to a type
12: dbConn4 db;
13: public void jspInit() {
15: dbConn4 db = new dbConn4();
16: sConn = db.DBConnect();
17: rs = null;
18: }
lots of thank u [sic] in advance......................
Try giving the type its fully-qualified name (FQN) instead of doing the import
and see if that fixes it.
Either the import didn't work or the class-to-package-to-classpath mapping is