Re: JSTL: getting a map's keys

Lew <>
Thu, 22 Mar 2012 07:51:00 -0700
Chris Riesbeck wrote:

Lew wrote:

- If you had *composed* a 'Map' into a custom class rather than
inheriting 'Map', you would not have had the problem. Your custom
class would have been resolved by the bean resolver. - This in turn
would make for a better design overall. Instead of your view artifact
(the JSP) caring about the implementation details of the map and its
set of keys, you'd have a controller call like 'getKeys()' or
whatever that would cleanly separate the logic of how you get them
from presentation concerns.

Using delegation (my preference also) doesn't support the JSP EL form
${rates["Bill"]}. If I had a custom class, I'd need a custom tag or custom EL
resolver to make that work.

No, you most certainly would not.

Just define an appropriate method in your class.

The original goal was to get the JSTL away from knowing about Map's [sic], in
particular about entry.key and entry.value.

Which would be neatly accomplished by my suggestion.

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

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