Re: Reference to a class that does not exist
Brendan Guild wrote:
I am wondering when it is safe to mention a class that I know will be
impossible to load. Specifically, I am writing a Java library and
there is another library that has some very useful features, but I
don't expect that other library to always be available.
[snip uncertainty about JLS]
I want to do this in a way that is guaranteed to be correct by Java,
not just a way that happens to work at the whim of the JVM that I am
You're concerned that the link error might be allowed to occur so early
as to prevent an application, which is using your library, from running,
Assuming it is deemed to be a problem...
Define an interface for doing some operation provided by the optional
interface EdgeDetector {
Image detectEdges(Image source, int threshold);
Create an implementation that actually uses the optional library:
class SomeLibEdgeDetector implements EdgeDetector { ... }
In your library, when you need to do this operation (or to determine
whether it can be done), identify the class by String:
EdgeDetector ed = null;
try {
Class edc = Class.forName("SomeLibEdgeDetector");
ed = edc.newInstance();
} catch ( various exceptions... ) {
// Ignore.
If the optional library isn't available, ed should be null. I'm
assuming that at least one of the calls in the try block will throw
something straight-away, but even if not, you could still catch the
error when you make the call.
ss at comp dot lancs dot ac dot uk |