Re: <identifier> expected error
On Sep 22, 8:56 pm, Lew <> wrote:
Kathy Walker wrote:
Gah. I'm trying to call a method from one class to another. The TA's [s=
are overloaded so I got no one, can anyone tell me what's wrong? I've
had one java [sic] class like a year ago. Kinda rusty. Thanks!
class NumArrayList implements NumList
double [] Numbers = new double[3];
public void main(String args[]){
Numbers[0] = 100000;
Numbers[1] = 20.9;
Numbers[2] = 3;
public void printArray(){
for(int i = 0; i<Numbers.length;i++)
System.out.print(Numbers[i] + " ");
public interface NumList {
So what is the problem you face?
You have left out a lot of details, like what is expected and what's happ=
ening instead, and what you're doing to make that happen, but I'll tell you=
what I see so far.
"... trying to call a method from one class to another."
You don't show any class trying to call a method from another class, or e=
ven from itself.
"public void main(String args[]){"
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) needs a public *static* void main method t=
o start a Java program. Your 'main()' is not 'static'.
Your 'for' loop lacks curly braces around its statement body.
You named your number array 'Numbers'. The convention in Java is for v=
ariables to start with a lower-case letter, not an upper-case letter. Type =
(class and interface) names should begin with an upper-case letter.
You should follow your last 'print()' with a 'println()' or you risk not =
seeing any output at all, because 'System.out' is buffered. A newline (w=
hich 'println()' emits) forces a flush to the 'out' stream. The flush em=
pties the buffer to the stream.
Provide more details about your problem, such as what the error message i=
s (verbatim!); a short, self-contained, compilable example (http://sscce.or=
g/) that demonstrates the error; and the operating conditions that let some=
one duplicate your error.
Yeah, I suck at explaining but john matthews explanation got me where
I need to go. Sorry.