Re: Which is better for JME devel: Netbeans or Eclipse?

"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe>
Mon, 05 Nov 2007 07:32:22 GMT
Ramon F Herrera wrote:

On Oct 23, 12:15 am, "" <> wrote:

For JME/J2ME development, which devel environment is better? Netbeans
or Eclipse?

NetBeans is more Swing oriented, while Eclipse prefers SWT.

Does SWT provide classes for J2ME apps.?

Anyway, irrespective of that..

That would tend* to make me prefer NetBeans over
Eclipse (I do a lot of GUIs intended for 'home users').
1) Very few people (around here) understand SWT
well enough to answer technical questions on SWT.
2) End users do not want to suffer the hit of downloading
(?) Mbytes of SWT API on top of the JVM.

The only other things that would be immediately important**
to me are, memory/CPU footprint and ability to refactor.

The footprint of either is too great for this poor old dev. PC
I use.

As far as refactoring goes, I understand Eclipse is
somewhat legendary (some people 'swear by it'),
while NetBeans is ..(dunno') ..Lew?

But ultimately I agree with the 'understand Java first'
comment, most. The more bells and whistles an IDE
has, the faster it can lead you right up the garden path,
through the gate and out into the wild wilderness.

* I actually use Ant and TextPad .

** Dev. tools have to be 'free for any use I see fit'.
But that pretty much goes without saying around here,
doesn't it? People who mention commercial products
feel compelled to almost ..'apologise' for doing so.

Andrew Thompson

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