Re: The myth of Java's slowness

Lew <>
Sat, 08 Dec 2007 20:42:05 -0500
Daniel Pitts wrote:

Kira Yamato wrote:

Seriously, would you use java to write graphic intense applications or
use C++?

I would choose Java of course, because it has a great (and constantly
improving) graphics library that is easy to use and portable between
Windows, Mac OSX, and the X platform (Linux/Unix)

Would you write the next 3D video game in java or in C++?

I don't write 3D video games. If I did, I'd probably start with Java,
using the Java 3D API that is forth coming.

Would you write your next operatiing system in java or in C++?

Actually, I probably wouldn't write it in either. I'd probably write
the Kernel portion in C (with a touch of assembly), and then implement a
JVM on top of that kernel and write the rest of it in Java.

Now go ahead and tell me these are just esoteric abnormal programs
that no developer would ever include.

Most programmers don't include those cases. If you're a game designer,
#1 and #2 might be interesting. If you're an OS designer, you might
worry about #3. Otherwise, those three examples (two of which I would
realistically choose Java over something else) are not that common.

To turn this around. How often do you write any of those?

In fact, Jake2, a Java clone of Quake, is 90-100% as fast as the C version.


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