Re: what the java virtual machine truely is?

"Mike Schilling" <>
Wed, 5 Mar 2008 23:19:45 -0800
Lew wrote:

525 wrote:

Q: Can the java [sic] code run without java virtual machine ?

Normally, no, but there are some compilers like GCJ (Gnu Compiler
J*va) that can run some Java code without a JVM.

When we instal the jdk [sic], does the java virtual machine setup
the same time?

It installs at the same time, in the form of the "java" command
(java.exe on Windows), so I guess you could say its set up at the
same time. There wouldn't be much point to the JDK without the JVM,
after all.
But simply installing the JDK doesn't *run* the JVM. That happens
when you (directly or indirectly) invoke the 'java' command.

What is the relationship between the fold jre and java virtual
machine ?

What do you mean by the "fold" JRE?

I'm guessing it's a typo for "full" (possibly assisted by a
spell-checker that converted, say, "fuld" to "fold").

The JRE comprises the Java Virtual Machine and the rest of the Java
Runtime Environment, including various bootstrap JARs and other
Java, the programming language, is spelled with a capital "J".

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