Re: Strings, Arrays, c++ and java

Lew <>
Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:42:52 -0400
Michael DOUBEZ wrote:

Lew a ?crit :

Michael DOUBEZ wrote:

I could not start the -sever [sic] flavour of java, perhaps it makes
a difference.

In my own experience the '-server' option roughly doubles a Java
program's performance, for most.

How are you trying to use it, and what happens that prevents you from
starting it? What messages do you get? (That's two related questions
for which I am requesting answers.)

I get
Error: no `server' JVM at

And indeed, I have only the ....\bin\client\ directory.

I just copied the one from the jdk into the jre directory and it worked.
It is indeed much faster.

It seems the difference between the two is that client is optimized for
VM startup time while server is optimized for execution time.

It isn't limited to startup time vs. execution time but that isn't a bad
simplification at all. The server mode can take more time to figure out
optimizations, so it is able to be more aggressive about them.


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