Re: Begin Learning Java ! - Most simple java tutorial - httq://beginlearninggarbage.blogspam.scam

Lew <>
Tue, 16 Mar 2010 20:32:17 -0400
Begin Learning Java wrote:

Greetings from Begin Learning Java! team,

We are set of IT professionals and have developed a simple tutorial
covering various topics in J2SE along with various examples in:

Right away you deliver a solid clue that your site is worthless by referring
to "J2SE", an abbreviation that hasn't applied to current versions of Java for
over five years, by the bad grammar and misspelling of "Java" in your subject
line, and by your evil multiposting.

- Running Java Program

Bad grammar.

- Variables
- Static/ Non-static Methods
- Constructor
- Data Types in Java
- Operators
- This Keyword

Misspelled "this".

- Super Keyword

Misspelled "super".

- Order of Constructor calling
- Call by reference / Call by value
- Inner Class

How can you mention inner classes and not nested classes, nor specifically
anonymous classes?

- Over Loading

Misspelled "overloading".

- Packages
- Over Riding

Misspelled "overriding".

- The hierarchy of Throwable Exception

Umm, I'm not clear whether this is bad grammar or stupidity, as "Throwable
Exception" is, at best, redundant and at least weird.

- Virtual Method Invocation

That's not really something that gets talked about much by those words in
Java, although of course it does apply to the JVM.

- Abstract Classes
- Interface

Sometimes you feel like a plural, sometimes you don't.

The inconsistency and general illiterate tone of the advertisement don't act
as much of an inducement to visit the site.

- Applet
- AWT-(Abstract Window Toolkit)
- Action Listener
- Adjustment Listener

A wha'?

- Component Listener
- Item Listener
- Mouse Listener
- Mouse Motion Listener
- Focus Listener
- Key Listener
- Window Listener

What'd you do, just go through the Javadocs and write down class names as
topic titles?

- Input / Output

An advertisement is supposed to make the target feel that something worthwhile
is being pitched. Yours does the opposite. It is quite clear from your post
that the referenced site is a useless hodge-podge of nonsense that
occasionally pipes out the word "Java" (or its misspelling) to provide a
veneer of legitimacy.

This Usenet forum is not an appropriate venue for advertisements.

And there's the little matter that you performed the ultimate sin of
multiposting your garbage. Tsk, tsk.

Andrew is correct - one is far, far better served to obtain all this
information by beginning with


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