Re: String getTagValue(Document doc, String tag)

 gert <>
Tue, 25 Sep 2007 17:28:53 -0000
On Sep 25, 5:51 pm, Daniel Pitts <> wrote:

On Sep 25, 6:39 am, gert <> wrote:> I am used to work with javascript, where you can do things like


I am trying to do the same in java like this but i think l2=(NodeList)
l1.item(t); is not the same as childNodes or is it ?

This is terrible code. I can hardly follow it at all.

protected String getTag(Document doc, String tag)
        String v = null;

Don't initialize strings to null. Also, if you're building up a
string, you should use a StringBuilder.

        NodeList l1,l2 = null;

You would be better off declaring objects where you initialize them.

        Node n = null;
        Integer t,t_,c,c_ = null;

NONE of these variable names make an sense! Use meaningful names!

            l2=(NodeList) l1.item(t);
                v=v+ n.getNodeValue();
        return v;


Also, if you're translating the javascript into java, you have added
WAY too much.

What you wrote in javascript:> "v=doc.getElementsByTagName('test')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue".

what you want in java:
protected String getTag(Document doc, String tagname) {


There aren't any loops in the js, so why should there be in the java?

Hope this helps.

Yep thanks :)

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