Re: run jsp on javascript event
<> wrote in message
On 21 Nov., 12:37, "polilop" <> wrote:
<> wrote in message>
Hello everyone,
I am using an javascript table. if I edit a cell I want to write the
new value in the DB with jsp.
How can I do that?
I would like to call a jsp in background if that is possible.
Or are there any other possibilities?
bye juergen
You can do this with AJAX.
Please give me a little example. I am totally new with AJAX.
I use an AJAX component as table: dhtmlxGrid.
bye juergen
you will need to learn about AJAX before.
looka at
or at:
Allso look at ajax prototype, might be helpful
here is what i use for simple ajax requests (found it on the web but was
unable to find the page again):
ajaxUpdate( 'display', '/',
elemid=id of element that will receive the return information
url =url of the servlet that will make the update eg. myServletUpdate
options = you put options in{} like this, startfunc is if you need to run a
function before the ajax call.
function ajaxUpdate( elemid, url, options )
var params = options.params || "";
var meth = options.meth || "post";
var async = options.mode || true;
var startfunc = options.startfunc || "";
var endfunc = options.endfunc || "";
var errorfunc = options.errorfunc || "";
var req = false;
params = params+"&random="+Math.round(10000*Math.random());
//Enkoding for utf-8 do not use if page allready in utf-8
try {
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch(e1) {
try {
req= new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch(e2) {
try {
req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
} catch(e3) {
return false;
if( startfunc != "" )
eval( startfunc ); meth, url+( params != "" ? "?"+params : "" ), async );
req.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type",
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" );
req.onreadystatechange =
if ( req.readyState == 4 )
if ( req.status == 200 )
document.getElementById(elemid).innerHTML = req.responseText;
if( endfunc != "" )
eval( endfunc );
return true;
if( endfunc != "" )
eval( endfunc );
if( errorfunc != "" )
eval( errorfunc );
return false;
Hope this helps.