Re: applets = javascripts?
On May 27, 1:31 pm, wrote:
i know java and javascript only have the name in common and are not
related languages.
Please get to know your shift key, and apply it
once at the start of each sentence, and every time
the word 'I' is used. It makes posts easier to read.
however are applets the same as a javascript thats executable in a
java was first created to do applets right? but i read somewhere noone
writes java-applets anymore.
I recommend against applets because of the plethora
of deployment problems, combined with the fact that
a rich client applet is a bad mix with a thin client
wrapper (the HTML).
Having said that, I have assisted with debugging
applets in the last 48 hours.
then what do people use java for?
Desktop - applications and applets. Mobile phones.
Serverside web applications.
web applications?
Mostly. A recent look at the job ads mentioning
Java was 19/20 weighted towards development of
(HTML/AJAX based) web apps.
Andrew T.