Re: question on current state of using Java for applet

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Fri, 28 Jan 2011 22:13:16 -0500
On 28-01-2011 22:07, steveh44 wrote:

On Jan 28, 8:16 am, Roedy Green<>

The big advantage of Applets is you can show them off easily to anyone
visiting your website. Far fewer people will download and run your

yup, that is the main reason I am looking at it.

But why does it say on wiki the following:

"Many Java developers, blogs and magazines are recommending that the
Java Web Start technology be used in place of Applets."

You can use JWS with applets.

I've seen some really cool applets out there, but most have time
stamps from 10 years ago or so. Any new sites with new applets to
look at?

For example, went to

And it looks like they stopped updating the date table in 2005.

I am not sure html5 and javascript will have as many features as Java
to do simulations inside HTML. Java should have much more libraries
and GUI features than Javascript I would think.

I am just worried that I do not seem to hear or see much about
applets any more. When Java was new, everyone was talking about

Java has been very server centric for at least a decade.

Flash has taken the market that was applets 10-15 years ago.
With Silverligth as outsider today.

But what worked 10-15 years ago will still work.

And if you need to support *nix desktop users and
you just don't like Flash, then Java applets is an
obvious choice.


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