Applets security and HTMLets
With all the continuous security leak reports about Java in
the press, if I was Oracle, I would try to hire those
security consultants who have found security issues in Java
recently and set up a special and independent department of
maybe 7 - 14 employees whose sole purpose is to find
security holes in Java five days a week (a bonus is paid for
each hole found). Of course, /we/ know that the security
problems only relate to a specific Java runtime /in the
browser/ and that any exe file can do at least as much harm
as a Java applet, but the general audience and some executives
might get the impression that Java was ?not secure?.
If, maybe 2 or 3 years later, Java is found to be quite
secure in the browser it might even get a new boost there,
when people say, ?Well, JavaScript is nice, but Java s so
much more secure.? Of ourse, the other thing needed is a
more close HTML integration: We need applets to be replaced
by ?HTMLets?, which use the webpage (HTML) as the user
interface (for both input and output, without JavaScript
as interface code), not a special applet window.