On 11/26/2014 09:37, wrote:
I have 3 classes and everything seems to be right but the program doesn't show anything!
WHen I compile it, a new 1000 x 700 panel is shown, but nothing is drawn on the screen!
(My paint method is render() )
Thanks for help! :)
Rather than nit-pick through your code, why don't you look at this
example that works and maybe reorganize yours a little first.
package com.knutejohnson.cookbook;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.swing.*;
* Demonstrates the use of a BufferStrategy to do fast drawing for
* A BufferStrategy can be used with a Canvas or a Window. This includes
* Frame, JFrame and JWindow as they all extend Window. This example
uses a
* JFrame to display a Canvas on which the animation drawing is done.
Both the
* flip buffer strategy and the blit buffer strategy are very fast and work
* well for animation. When the BufferStrategy is created the system will
* use the best strategy available.
* <p>
* There are two timing gate methods, smoothGate and lowResourceGate.
* Both are used to control the drawing rate by adding a delay to the
* animation thread. Try running this example with and without a
timing gate.
* <p>
* The smoothGate method loops as fast as the processor will allow
until the
* time delay for the desired frame rate has elapsed. On a modern computer
* with many processors and cores there is still adequate processor power
* available to run other programs even if one of the cores is saturated.
* <p>
* The lowResourceGate method loops around a Thread#sleep call and as a
* result uses considerably less processor power than the smoothGate
* The trade off is that the lowResourceGate method is not a consistent as
* the smoothGate method and requires some tweaking to get the frame rates
* accurate. This is caused by the unpredictability of Thread#sleep.
* @author Knute Johnson
* @see BufferStrategy
public class DrawStrategy extends Canvas implements Runnable {
/** Display increment angle in radians */
private static final double ANGLE_INCREMENT = 0.0005;
/** Animation thread */
private final Thread thread;
* This variable is volatile because it is written to by one thread and
* read by another.
private volatile boolean runFlag;
/** Timer for rate display */
private final java.util.Timer timer;
/** TimerTask for rate display */
private final java.util.TimerTask timerTask;
* Current drawing angle in radians.
* This variable is thread constrained to the animation thread.
private double radians;
* Frame count for rate display.
* This variable is volatile because it is written to by one thread and
* read by another.
private volatile long frameCount;
* Frame rate for rate display.
* This variable is volatile because it is written to by one thread and
* read by another.
private volatile double frameRate;
* BufferStrategy.
* This variable is thread constrained to the animation thread.
private BufferStrategy strategy;
* Constructs the component, creates the animation thread, and creates
* a TimerTask to update the frame rate display.
public DrawStrategy() {
// give the component a starting size
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,300));
// create the animation thread
thread = new Thread(this,"Animation Thread");
// create the animation timer as daemon so we don't have to
// stop it when the program ends
timer = new java.util.Timer("Rate Display Timer",true);
// update the variable frameRate
timerTask = new java.util.TimerTask() {
// time of last frame rate update
long then=0;
// frame count of last frame rate update
long lastCount=0;
@Override public void run() {
long now = System.nanoTime();
long frames = frameCount - lastCount;
double duration = (now - then) / 1000000000.0;
then = now;
lastCount = frameCount;
frameRate = frames / duration;
* Starts the animation thread and the rate display timer
public void start() {
runFlag = true;
* The animation thread adjusts animation values, renders the
drawing, and
* displays it on the component.
@Override public void run() {
// the last time the gate was opened
long then = 0;
// might as well
strategy = getBufferStrategy();
while (runFlag) {
// adjust display values
// delay gate to control frame rate
// then = smoothGate(then,200);
// then = lowResourceGate(then,50);
// draw the image on the component
do {
do {
// get the graphics from the buffer strategy
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)strategy.getDrawGraphics();
// render the animation
// must explicitly dispose
} while (strategy.contentsRestored()) ;
// display the next buffer in the sequence;
} while (strategy.contentsLost()) ;
* Stops the animation thread
public void stop() {
runFlag = false;
* Render the drawing to the passed in graphics context
* @param g graphics context
public void render(Graphics2D g) {
int w = getWidth();
int h = getHeight();
// turn on anti-aliasing to get smooth drawing edges and text
// fill the background with white
// draw the frame rate in the upper left corner of component
g.drawString(String.format("%.0f fps",frameRate),5,15);
strategy instanceof Component.FlipBufferStrategy ?
"FlipBufferStrategy" : "BltBufferStrategy",
// draw the rotating blue square
g.fillRect(w/2 - 100,h/2 - 100,200,200);
* Delay method to control the frame rate of the display.
* This method uses large amounts of processor resources but is very
* smooth and will allow very fast frame rates to be used.
* @param then the time the gate was last entered, from the return
* value of the previous call to this method
* @param frameRate the desired frame rate in frames per second
* @return the time the gate was exited, used as input to
the next
* call to this method
public long smoothGate(long then, long frameRate) {
long now;
while ((now = System.nanoTime()) - then < (1000000000L /
return now;
* Delay method to control the frame rate of the display.
* This method uses very little processor resources but is not very
* @param then the time the gate was last entered, from the return
* value of the previous call to this method
* @param frameRate the desired frame rate in frames per second
* @return the time the gate was exited, used as input to
the next
* call to this method
public long lowResourceGate(long then, long frameRate) {
long now;
while ((now = System.nanoTime()) - then < (1000000000L /
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) { }
return now - 500000;
* Create the GUI and use a WindowListener to control startup and
* of the animation thread.
* @param args command line arguments (not used)
public static void main(String... args) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final DrawStrategy dS = new DrawStrategy();
final JFrame frame = new JFrame("DrawStrategy");
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowOpened(WindowEvent we) {
// Create the BufferStrategy after the JFrame
is opened
// so there will be a valid peer.
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) {
// Wait for the animation thread to end before
// disposing the frame. This prevents an
// IllegalStateException if a call is made to
// BufferStrategy#getDrawGraphics and there is no
// longer a valid peer.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
Knute Johnson