Re: Preventing A New Window From Grabbing Focus

Mark Space <>
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 05:29:56 GMT
Hal Vaughan wrote:

Mark Space wrote:

So I'd say this works on Linux. I could swear I used the same method to

It could also be a bug or glitch that was fixed between Java5 and Java6.

Well thanks for the report. At least is seems to work ok with Java 6.

Last time I worked on something like this (getting one component to hold
the focus and insert caret, all the time) I came up with all kinds of
crazy schemes to make it work. I made my own listeners for the
FocusManager (I think that's it) and all sorts of stuff before I
realized there was an easy way to do it (just set all the components in
the window to non-focusable ("setFocusable(false)") except the one I
wanted). I had to back out all kinds of stuff, so I'm guessing you had
some little issue in the way you were setting up your windows that might
have been left over from other experiments.

Incidentally, the GroupLayout is totally incidental to the program. It
should work regardless what layout manager you use. If I had hand coded
it to clean it up, I probably would have just used the default
BorderLayout and FlowLayout.

The important bits are:

In the main window, set it up like this:

     private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
         // TODO add your handling code here:
         new NFW().setVisible(true);

That's it. I use the main window to hold a button that makes new NFW
("non-focusable window"). You could use any GUI builder and layout
manager to set up that button.

And in the NFW, I just:

public class NFW extends javax.swing.JFrame {

     /** Creates new form NFW */
     public NFW() {

//... snip


That's it. setFocusableWindowState(false), the rest is just boilerplate
set up. The button in the NFW window has is just to make sure it can
receive clicks, and disposes the window.

Again, any layout and any GUI builder would work. Bog standard Java and

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