Brian wrote:
I'm trying to create a GUI using GridBagLayout.
I have two separate JPanels where i need to place items in the same
place in each panel.
Is it possible to use at GridBagLayout with a fixed / predifined no.
of colums - and all of them with the same width?
Maybe. GBL is very dependent on the preferred sizes of the components.
So if they were all the same size or you make them all the same size,
then yes probably. Also with GBL you can set the weights and fill to
allow the components to expand to the available space in the layout.
I wrote a GBL simulator if you want to try setting up a layout,
If you try it, I would appreciate any feedback.
Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/linux/
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I tried it - really awesome.
Java source format. It will really help developers to visually crate
layout and then use it.