Re: GUI in Swing and layout managers... who will explain sth?

Eric Sosman <>
Wed, 24 Jun 2009 13:34:14 -0400
Qu0ll wrote:

"Eric Sosman" <esosman@ieee-dot-org.invalid> wrote in message

Marteno Rodia wrote:

Who will explain me this statement taken from "Swing tutorial"?

However, unless you are using JToolBar, the FlowLayout and
BorderLayout managers are only useful for prototyping. Any real
application will need to reset the layout manager. Again, you should
use an appropriate tool to do this, rather than coding the manager by


Why it is not recommended to use BorderLayout in the "real

    Because the Tutorial's authors have prejudices?

    The appearance given by BorderLayout can be fairly
crude, and that of FlowLayout even cruder -- especially
if the elements they arrange have dissimilar geometries.
Other layout managers may produce a pleasanter appearance.
My advice is to use the managers that make sense for what
you want to accomplish, and don't let yourself by hobbled
by someone else's over-broad language.

What is so crude about the appearance given by BorderLayout? With
appropriate use of padding it can be as stunning as any layout manager.

     I didn't say "is so crude," but "can be fairly crude." And on
the matter of appropriateness I wrote "use the managers that make
sense" -- I didn't say so explicitly, but I thought it was clear
that BorderLayout and FlowLayout were among "the managers," along
with BoxLayout and GridLayout and ReverseLayoutWithHalfTwist.


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