Knute Johnson <> wrote:
Andreas Leitgeb wrote:
Now, "they" want a special behaviour: if the bottom-most component
is hidden (with slider's arrow-buttons on windows), then the other
three components should all grow to fill the available screen-estate,
and if the last one is made visible again, then all the other ones
should shrink equally a little to make room for the last one.
Do they want the sliders between to move?
Yes, of course the sliders all have to move for the components to change
size as requested.
E.g. if normally each of the 4 component has an extent of 300 pixels
in the relevant direction, and then the last one is hidden, then the
remaining ones should grow to 400 pixels to compensate for the space
left behind by the last one, and if the user clicks on the slider-
button to make that last one visible again, then all the components
should settle at 300 pixels again, unless the user sets other sizes.
Up to a few questions (which I'll ask in a new thread), I think I mostly
understand the mechanics of a single JSplitPane. It's the cascading of
multiple JSplitPanes that still troubles me.
I'm sorry, it's just not clear to me what you are trying to do. Maybe