Re: Moving a glass pane

"Mikl" <>
26 Apr 2006 22:18:51 -0700
Ok this is what I've got:

From the main JFrame class (MDI application that was created by

NetBeans 5.0) I call a JIF:

        Update modal = new Update("Modal window", MainApp.this );


        try {
        } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e1) {}

This is some code of the Update class:

public class Update extends javax.swing.JInternalFrame {

    JPanel glass = new JPanel();
    MouseInputAdapter adapter = new MouseInputAdapter(){};

    public Update(String title, javax.swing.JFrame parent ) {

        super ( title );


        glass.setBounds(20,20, 200, 200);

        parent.getRootPane().setGlassPane( glass );


        System.out.println("InitGlass="+ glass.getLocation() + "
InitJIF="+ this.getLocation());

This Update class size and all other properties are set through the

When the window appreas, the printing line got the following results:
InitGlass=java.awt.Point[x ,y ] InitJIF=java.awt.Point[x=0,y=0]

I have a button on this internal frame and when I press it without
moving the window, then I got:
BtnGlass=java.awt.Point[x=5,y=5] BtnJIF=java.awt.Point[x=88,y=5]

If I move the window and press the button, the Point values are
different, but the glass location remains x=5, y=5.

What could be wrong? Why I can't set the proper location for the first

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