Re: need advice using swing jfilechooser

jimgardener <>
Wed, 27 Oct 2010 23:29:49 -0700 (PDT)
On Oct 28, 8:16 am, Knute Johnson <>

You didn't say what you wanted your program to do and the two
JFileChoosers didn't make a lot of sense. They are designed to allow
you to move through the directories and select the file you want. So
here is a simple program to select, load and display an image file.
There are a lot of ways to go about this but this is pretty simple and
covers a lot of things that can prove to be problematic when you first
try them. In this example if you don't select a file, nothing happens.
  If you successfully pick one then it will be displayed on the JPanel.
  If there is an error, a dialog is displayed with the error informatio=


thank you for the reply..
The reason why I wanted the 2 filechoosers is because I wanted the
user to select a file and at the same time select another directory
..I am taking two strings as user input ie,name of an image file and
name of another directory so that I can try to find if a matching
image exists in that directory.I thought putting two filechoosers
would be simpler and easier for users.

I solved this error message display in a convoluted manner :-)

class Message{
    private StringBuffer msg;
    public Message(String msg){
        this.msg=new StringBuffer(msg);
    public Message(){
        this.msg=new StringBuffer();
    public void add(String msg){
    public String toString(){
      return this.msg.toString();

then in MyView create an empty message

public MyView(MyModel model){
    super("top frame");
    message=new Message();

public String getSelectedFile(){
    String selectedfilename=""; selectedFile=dirchooser.getSelectedFile();
    if (selectedFolder==null){
    message.add("you must select a file..");
   return selectedfilename;
public void clearMessage(){
    message=new Message();

Clicking OK button will first clear the message.

class OKButtonListener implements ActionListener {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

Thanks for the filechooser demo code ..will go through this and
learn..Any more advices,pointers most welcome..

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