Re: How to change JPanels?

Eric <>
Tue, 15 Feb 2011 05:31:38 -0800 (PST)
On Feb 14, 4:50 pm, Lew <> wrote:

On 02/14/2011 03:02 PM, Eric wrote:

So now my previous sample looks like this. I hope I'm doing this
right now. I'm not sure if it's the most efficient syntax but it

... imports elided ...
public class TestWindow {

      InnerTestWindow win = null;

      protected class InnerTestWindow extends JFrame {

           protected CardLayout cardLayout = null;
           protected Container contentPane = null;
           protected JPanel panelOne = null;
           protected JPanel panelTwo = null;
           private JTextArea dummyTextOne = null;
           private JTextArea dummyTextTwo = null;

           protected InnerTestWindow() {
                contentPane = getContentPane();
                contentPane.setLayout(new CardLayout())=


                cardLayout = (CardLayout)contentPane.=


                MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
                Menu menu = new Menu("Test");



setDefaultCloseOperation( WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE );
                setSize(600, 600);
                setLocation(100, 100);
                panelOne = new JPanel();
                contentPane.add(panelOne,"Panel One");
                dummyTextOne = new JTextArea("Panel O=


                panelTwo = new JPanel();
                contentPane.add(panelTwo,"Panel Two");
                dummyTextTwo = new JTextArea("Panel T=



           private void addMenuItem(Menu menu, String menuI=


String menuItemName, ActionListener menuListener) {
                MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(menu=







           protected class FirstItemWorker extends SwingWor=

ker {

                BufferedImage[] renderedPngPages = nu=


                int waitTime;
                protected FirstItemWorker(int waitTimeI=

n) {

                     waitTime = waitTimeIn;
                protected Integer doInBackground() {
                     long t0, t1;
                     t0 = System.currentTime=


                     do {
                          t1 = System.curre=


                     } while ((t1 - t0)< (wait=


                     return 0;
                protected void done() {
                     if (isCancelled()) {

           private class FirstItemListener implements Actio=

nListener {

                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent=

 ev) {

                     FirstItemWorker fiw = new =



           protected void loadOne() {
      , "Panel One=



           public void loadTwo() {
      , "Panel Two=



      public void createWindow() {
           win = new InnerTestWindow();

      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
           TestWindow testWin = new TestWindow();


You need to construct and stasrt your 'TestWindow' instance on the EDT, a=


others have warned you.

Not sure why you feel the need to initialize member variables to 'null' t=


are already initialized to 'null', but they're your wasted keystrokes and
microseconds of redundant initialization.

You might want to use 'sleep()' or a variant instead of a CPU-gobbling ti=


loop for the 'doInBackground()'.

Honi soit qui mal y pense.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

I'm not sure if objects need to be set to null or if they'll do that
automatically. I just threw that in because I had a case once where
Eclipse gave me a warning about "object may not have been

I don't normally tell programs to sleep so I'm not familiar enough
with the command. I didn't write the loop. I just copied and pasted
that from the internet somewhere. I just needed some code to kill a
few seconds to demonstrate. That's not real code. The part I'm
concerned about are the gui commands.

I'm not sure what you mean about creating a window on the EDT. Isn't
every program running on a thread? If I create the window, wouldn't
that make that thread the EDT? There's nothing in that thread other
than the create window so I don't understand the problem. I have code
right after the create window in the real program which doesn't
reference gui. Couldn't I just write that code with the SwingWorker
the same way I wrote the process for the FirstItemListener?

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