Re: Question: jFranme and
WhoWhatWhen wrote:
Thank you but that is not exactly the solution to the question as
asked: In your solution the jdialog is opened by checing the
That has no bearing on the way the JDialog constructor accesses the
JCheckBox. It would be the same whether a JMenuUtem or JButton or
Exception handler invoked the JDialog constructor.
I need to be able to ascertain from within the dialog box what the
value of the checkbox is.
The code that creates the dialog refers to checkbox
p.add(new JLabel(checkbox.isSelected() ? "Fatso" : "Beanpole"));
If that's not the sort of thing you want to do, you should explain in
more detail.
For example, in VB6 I would say from another window:
if (frmMain.chkbox1.value=vbchecked) then
blah blah blah
You can do it that way too.
if (frame.checkbox.isSelected()) {
blah blah blah;
It's a question of the scope of either the variable which refers to the
JFrame instance or the scope of the variable that refers to the
JCheckBox instance. Or both.
Alternatively you could pass a reference to either of these variables
into the method or constructor that creates the JDialog instance.
I'd prefer something like ...
class Whatever {
Whatever() {
JButton dialogInvokingButton = new JButton("Click me");
void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
new DialogCreatingClass(frame, checkbox.isSelected());
class DialogCreatingClass {
DialogCreatingClass(JFrame frame, boolean likesFries) {
JDialog d = new JDialog(frame, ...);
if (likesFries)
There's zillions of ways to do what you describe.
What I posted before was an SSCCE (Google will explain). Maybe you
should construct one that better illustrates your question and post it.
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