Re: Horizontally scrolling JTable
Here is a likely looking one, though Sun
marked it 'Closed, not a bug' (shrugs). *
using a slight variant of the advice
on that page, I came up with this (very
hackish looking) code that seems to behave
as we might expect..
<snip SSCCE head>
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth(){
return isThinnerThanParent();
boolean isThinnerThanParent() {
if (parent==null) {
parent = getParent();
Dimension d1 = getSize();
Dimension d2 = parent.getSize();
return (d1.width<=d2.width);
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
<snip SSCCE tail>
Does that work for you?
Thanks Andrew, yes that works the way I wanted.
Before I read your latest posting I'd also been hunting in the bugs
database as you suggested ...
Searching Sun's Bug database led me (eventually) to Bug 4127936 reported
10-APR-1998 and marked "In progress, bug", "Evaluation: ... needs to be
fixed before FCS with JDK1.2." :-o
There are several suggested workarounds in the commentary. For future
readers of this thread: apart the workaround which Andrew found (see
above), another workaround that I tried was ...
CorrectStrangeBehaviourListener(table, scrollPane));
* @author dbeutner 16-MAY-2002
* See Sun Java bug report 4127936.
* Amended 29/3/2007 by RedGrittyBrick to add
* constructor with parameters
private class CorrectStrangeBehaviourListener
extends ComponentAdapter {
private JTable table;
private JScrollPane scrollPane;
CorrectStrangeBehaviourListener(JTable table,
JScrollPane scrollPane) {
this.table = table;
this.scrollPane = scrollPane;
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
if (table.getPreferredSize().width
<= scrollPane.getViewport()
.getExtentSize().width) {
} else {
The one Andrew found is shorter but since I have several tables it may
be worth me putting the bulk of the workaround code into a separate
class as the above example does.
Thanks again Andrew.
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