Re: How to solve the error "The local variable may not have been instantiated"?

Patricia Shanahan <>
Thu, 28 Sep 2006 15:09:52 GMT
Shawn wrote:

Thank you for your help. I didn't forget "= null;". My program still
doesn't work. This is what I saw. If you insist, maybe it has to do with
settings of compiler. I know regards to warnings, user can make
selections so that somethings are considered as warnings, some not.

The initialization issue is an error, not a warning. The compiler should
never compile something with a possibly not initialized local variable,
because the results are undefined.


This won't work for me. I simplified my program in the posting. In my
real program, after myClass object was created, the object was used
several times. So it cannot be inside the if block:

return new MyClass(..); //myClass object created here

You should not get the "may not have been initialized" for a variable
that has an initial value in its declaration, as in:

MyClass myClass = null;

Make sure you only have one declaration with identifier myClass, so that
there is only one variable with that name.

If you are still having trouble, please post a short self-contained
example that reproduces it.


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