Re: Question regarding using label for break, continue flow control

"Oliver Wong" <>
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 20:05:24 GMT
"Shawn" <> wrote in message


I need to use break and continue to transfer my program flow. I hope to
use labels to explicitly state where the control flow will be, as
suggested by somebody in the newsgroup. I have noticed something strange:

{ //compiler doesn't allow "{" here
for (int i = 0; ..)
if (conditionSatisfied) continue block1; //this will move control to the
beginning of for loop, for loop will continue to run

} //end of for loop
} //compiler doesn't allow "}" here

{ //now compiler allows "{" here
...//more code
for (int i = 0; ..)
if (conditionSatisfied) break block2; //this will move control to the end
of block2 immediately
...//mode code

} //end of block2, break block2 will bring control to the line below this

My questions:
1) Why block1 cannot have a pair of {} while block2 can?
2) Is my understanding of the control flow using break or continue correct
in this demo?

    "continue" only makes sense when you're iterating over something (e.g. a
for loop, do loop or while loop). Did you try applying the "block1:" label
directly onto the forloop, rather than onto a block containing the for-loop?
Alternatively, you could use "continue" without a label at all, and the
compiler will infer you mean that you want to continue the inner-most

    (Your understanding of "break" seems to be correct).

    - Oliver

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