Re: Static imports in JSP pages
Daniel Pitts wrote:
If he's going to create the HTML in Java (which seems silly since JSP
was designed for that), then he is probably better off creating it in
the servlet (or in Spring MVC terms, the Controller), and then passing
that into the JSP as part of the model/request attribute.
I just canceled a message that based part of its background on a whole other
thread. I made a suggestion to someone recently where they wanted a radio
button preselected based on a previous post. It used an attribute such as
"hasYes" which is set either to "checked=\"checked\"" or "". The
corresponding radio button substituted an Expression Language (EL) construct
for that attribute:
<input type="radio" name="logic3" id="logicYes"
${hasYes} /> Yes
<br />
<input type="radio" name="logic3" id="logicNo"
${hasNo} /> No
<br />
<input type="radio" name="logic3" id="logicWha"
${hasWha} /> Wha
If I remember EL syntax correctly, you can use a conditional expression:
<input type="radio" name="logic3" id="logicYes"
${logic3=="yes"? "checked='checked'" : ""} /> Yes
<br />
<input type="radio" name="logic3" id="logicNo"
${logic3=="no"? "checked='checked'" : ""} /> No
<br />
<input type="radio" name="logic3" id="logicWha"
${logic3=="wha"? "checked='checked'" : ""} /> Wha
Untested. You might have to prefix the 'logic3' request variable with an
implicit scope. I still look up the details whenever I use EL.
I deliberately left off making the radio prompts into <label>s this time.