Re: Is this separation of content and logic?

Tom Anderson <>
Wed, 21 May 2008 01:16:14 +0100
On Tue, 20 May 2008, jmDesktop wrote:

I have this from

hello world!
Current time is: <%= new java.util.Date() %>

Is this "model 2 architecture"? I did not think it was, but don't know,
which is why I am asking. If it is I'm not sure I know what "logic" is
in the mvc context. For the trivial this might be okay, but not larger
systems, imho.

It's an example that's so trivial that it's hard to classify it either
way. If working out the date involved contacting a database and doing some
calculations (IOW, if we were talking about enterprise-grade dates), and
that logic was spelled out here, this would be Model 1. If, on the other
hand, that logic was in the Date constructor, this would actually be Model

Isn't there also some distinction about control flow, with Model 2 having
a master servlet receive all requests and then dispatch them to an
appropriate handler JSP?


see im down wid yo sci fi crew

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