Re: tiny java web framework

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Wed, 08 Jul 2009 19:46:24 -0400
Arved Sandstrom wrote:

Arne Vajh?j wrote:

Arved Sandstrom wrote:

markspace wrote:

Arne Vajh?j wrote:

szczepiq wrote:

I'm looking for zero-stack, zero-overhead, no ORM, no templates, no
MVC web framework for java. Suggestions?

I believe one of the lightest Java web framework you can find is:

Now that was interesting and useful. Thanks for pointing that out.

Call me skeptical. I don't doubt that Wicket is quite lightweight,
but in looking at their examples I don't see anything that I couldn't
accomplish just as easily (and cleanly) using JSF and Facelets.

You can probably implement the same functionality using
any Java web framework.

I like JSF but I do not consider it lightweight.

I don't think of JSF as lightweight either...middleweight (to use boxing
terminology) might be more accurate. Truth be told, I was referring to
the impression I got of the example code - pages and backing Java - that
Wicket presented on its site. I saw no real advantages here over how I'd
code those examples up using JSF and Facelets.

I was thinking more of the developer experience.

The references on the Wicket site to state management I wish to explore,
however. :-) They assert that their approach to this has advantages and
I may as well find out what they are.

There has been a lot of criticism of Struts and JSF for being
to "heavy" (which is not a very welldefined term - is is number
of files in solution, size of API or just the presence of XML
config files?).

It may be very good for developing serious web apps. But it may
not be very good at competing with PHP, RoR etc..

So things like Wicket, Grails etc. show up.

Most of them will be gone in 3-5 years, but some of them will
survive and provide an alternative to JSF.

Time will show if Wicket is among those.

As I have stated previously, then I have no personal experience
with Wicket, but it is one being frequently recommended.


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