Re: Giving an application a window icon in a sensible way
"Twisted" <> wrote in message
mentioned a name -- Roedy. No doubt just itching to pop up again with
another questionable recommendation that just happens to earn him a
commission if it's followed. :)
Roedy's Amazon links were a bit controversial. Roedy himself is (was?
Haven't seen him around for a while now) an extremely helpful poster on this
newsgroup, spending lots of time and effort helping out people with their
Java programs. Most of the time, he'd do so without mentioning buying a book
at all.
If you go to his website ( you'll
probably stumble onto a revenue-generating link to Amazon. He has lots of
them there. His website is also a collection of FAQs on Java and their
One day, someone criticized Roedy because of the Amazon links on his
site, and there was a medium sized argument around that. My personal
conclusion is that Roedy isn't hurting anybody with these links. He's not,
for example, withholding information, hoping you'll buy the books. It's just
if you're going to buy the books *anyway*, might as well buy it via those
links and to give a small percentage of the profits to Roedy.
There are many ways to do this. Try this (off the top of my head, if
doesn't actually work, let me know and I'll investigate further): create
package called "resource". Put a class "ResourceManager" in that package,
which does all the calls to getResource. Put all your resources in that
resource package, perhaps under some directory hierarchy. Make all the
getResource URLs relative to that ResourceManager class.
Eh. That sounds like I'd have to dig up by object code directory and
start putting resource files there, which I'd argue really belong with
the source files (if perhaps get copied there).
Did you say you were using Eclipse? Eclipse will copy over the resources
automatically by default. Other IDEs probably support this too, but I don't
know if it's their default settings or not.
- Oliver