Re: Giving an application a window icon in a sensible way
"Twisted" <> wrote in message
(2) As an alternative to judging them by their cover, you could
judgment until the next day, week, or month...
I was discussing my decision to follow or not follow a link. I have to
make a snap decision using the information available at that time. I
can't defer it; that means investing the time to bookmark the link or
something so that it's still around, which means I've already made the
decision to spend (waste?) time on the link in question.
Why are we even discussing this? It should be obvious that no-one is
going to click on more than a tiny minority of the links they see, here
or anywhere else, and my being exactly typical in that regard should be
a non-issue.
Well, I knew about Ant, and you didn't. If you want to be more like me
in this regard, maybe you should start doing the things I do, such as
clicking on more links. If you're happy staying the way you are, then don't
click links.
1. People were singing its praises implying it might do something
useful for my current project right now. I doubted some Web page would
know anything about my current project at all, so asking people here
for more information made a lot more sense; it would be more specific
to what I was doing, rather than generic.
Does anyone on this group really know anything about your project? I
certainly don't.
2. I wasn't so much interested in the download URL to download it as I
was interested in why people had conspicuously avoided mentioning the
download URL despite otherwise strongly endorsing it. Now I see that my
attackers may have intended it as a trap, so at some point I'd mention
the curious lack of any mention of it and then they could pounce on my
"obvious lack of google-fu" or whatever they figured to pounce on. If
so, several of them are subtler than flaming usenet loudmouths usually
Haha. It's not your "obvious lack of google-fu" that they're pouncing
on, but your "obvious lack of effort". The problem wasn't that you put in
the wrong Google query. The problem is that you didn't even bother to try
googling at all. And the even bigger problem is that you automatically
assumed that Google would not return useful results without even trying it.
And an even bigger problem than that was when people told you googling for
"ant" *would* return a useful result, you argued with them, despite that
there existed a trivial, easy to repeat experiment to demonstrate that you
were wrong: namely to try actually googling for "ant".
So really, your google-fu level had nothing to do with why you got
pounced on, IMHO.
3. I'd already determined that at the current juncture I'd gain nothing
from an automated build tool versus whatever amount of time spent
investigating one, whether 7 seconds (your lowest estimate), 25 minutes
(your highest), or something else.
Right, it's too late now, since you've already spent more than 7 seconds
on it. I'm just giving you advice for next time something like this comes
- Oliver