Re: Jar file only works on my pc
On Feb 4, 10:36 pm, wrote:
wow, that was pretty over my head I'm afraid!! I found this pdf trying
to explain but it's no use
We can come back to that, but I have no PDF
reader amd could not be bothered finding the
'convert to HTML' link for that.
She can access the other two applets on my site. Would it be helpful
if I jared them and sent them to her?
No. Not in their current form.
..I haven't used anything particularly complex (as you can see from the
No I cannot.
my import statements:
import javax.swing.*;
Swing was introduced in 1.2, but had extra
classes and attributes added in 1.4, and
was consistently updated.
import java.awt.*;
Same thing - I do not believe there is a
single Java version that had no changes
to AWT. This tells us nothing.
I'd prefer not to disclose all my code as it is a project for a whole
module for my computer science degree.
Fair enough, but you might either
- take this further, on your own PC, to determine
the minimum version, and compile to that version
(using a -bootclasspath).
- wrap it in web start, and specify '1.6+', with
a download URL for the JRE.
- wrap it in web start/launch it as you do now,
specify '1.5+', but compile for 1.5 using the
-source/-target flags (and hope for the best).
Given it should only have a small distribution,
I would be tempted to try the last (easiest)
Andrew T.